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# [Romain Gonçalves](/)
> Software engineer
## about
- Paris, France
- me@rgoncalves.se
- [linkedin](https://linkedin.com/in/rgoncalvesse)
- [generic informations](/a)
## skills
### systems
- BSD systems, GNU/Linux + *systemd*
- relayd, postgres, pf, wireguard, httpd
- docker, ansible, terraform, traefik
- neovim, tmux, mutt
### programming
- Python + Django + FastAPI + SQLAlchemy
- POSIX shell
- The C Programming Language
- gRPC + Protobuf
- Dart, TypeScript, Java, PHP
### languages
- French (native)
- English (fluent)
## experiences
- Hardware Devops Engineer
- *at [Scaleway](https://www.scaleway.com)*
- *from 2022-04 to 2023-06*
- software engineering, maintenance and automation of internal toolings
- agnostic firmware management: configuration + flash for dozens of server
- site-reliability of pre-production assembly line: software + system
- orchestration of BMCs, NICs, BIOS configuration
- Devops Engineer
- *at [VIPERdev](https://viperdev.io)*
- *from 2021-07 to 2022-03*
- infrastructure maintenance and deployments to production
- backend development, agile methodology and code review
- cloud providers such as: digitalocean / scaleway / netlify
- gitlab-ci, ansible, terraform
- takeover of existing projects
- Intern (django/devops)
- *at [VIPERdev](https://viperdev.io)*
- *from 2021-04 to 2021-06*
- backend development and code review
- contribution to existing projects
- Homelab and internal network
- *for [fun](/a/homelab.html)*
- *since 2020 (ongoing)*
- with OpenBSD + FreeBSD, AlpineLinux and love!
- Level designer
- *for [Resistance and Liberation](https://web.archive.org/web/20190924032538/https://resistance-and-liberation.com/)*
- *from 2018-07 to 2020-11*
- on Unreal Engine 4
- level design and maintenance of game assets
- game logic and events via blueprints
- feedback loop with weekly testing sessions
- Modder / Level designer
- *for [gaming communities](/a/level-design.html)*
- *from 2017 to 2019*
- on the Source Engine
- 32 players maps with bot support and game-engine scripting
- creation and modifications to 2D and 3D assets
## achievements
- Co-organizer of the Ktarnaval (2024)
- an underground carnival with 80+ musicians and 300+ persons
- in the old quarries under Paris
- Artist at [Les Extatiques (2024)](https://interstices.in/les-extatiques-descendent-dans-les-sous-sols-de-paris-la-defense/)
- creation, production and installation of [rust printed plants](https://www.instagram.com/mel_dorado__/p/C37qiM8NCaQ)
- exhibition in the underground of Paris La Defense
- in collaboration with [Mel Piat](https://melpiat.com)
## certifications
- Electrical accreditation (France): H0 - B0 - BS - Be manoeuvre
## preferences
- git rebase + squash workflow
- atomic commits with meaningful title and body
- [stupid and simple implementations](https://peps.python.org/pep-0020/)
## conferences
- OCP Regional Summit 2023 *(visitor*)
- FOSDEM 2023 *(visitor)*
## extra
- Bicycle rider, climber and underground explorer
- Professional commit squasher and hammock sleeper
- Retired dungeon master and thinkpad lover!