path: root/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc
blob: baea9d8d268a29077a23695f43309407e0fe35cf (plain) (tree)



# personal informations
set my_server	= ""
set my_user	= ""
set my_password	= ""
source "~/.config/neomutt/personal"

set imap_user	= "$my_user@$my_server"
set imap_pass	= "$my_password"
set hostname	= "imap.$my_server"
set folder	= "imaps://imap.$my_server:993"

set smtp_url	= "smtps://$my_user@$my_server:$my_password@smtp.$my_server"
set smtp_pass	= "$my_password"

# force tls
set ssl_force_tls	= yes
set ssl_verify_host	= yes

# mailboxes
set spoolfile	= "+INBOX"
set mbox	= "+INBOX"
set record	= "+Sent"
set trash	= "+Trash"
set postponed	= "+Drafts"
set mail_check_stats	= yes
set imap_delim_chars	= "aa"

# environment variables required!
#set imap_check_subscribed
mailboxes `python3 ~/.bin/get-mailbox-imap \

# dl
set mail_check	= 90
set sleep_time	= 0
set timeout	= 15
set beep	= no
set postpone	= no
set recall	= no
set signature	= "~/.signature"
set charset	= "utf-8"
set date_format = "%d.%m.%Y-%H:%M"
set sort_re	= yes"
set reverse_name	= yes
set index_format	= "%4C %Z %{$date_format} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"
set send_charset	= "utf-8:iso-8859-1:us-ascii"
set reply_regexp	= "^(([Rr][Ee]?(\[[0-9]+\])?: *)?(\[[^]]+\] *)?)*"
set quote_regexp	= "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"
set reflow_space_quotes	= yes
auto_view text/html
alternative_order text/plain text/html

set reply_to	= yes
set fast_reply	= yes
set sig_dashes	= no
set include	= yes
set forward_quote	= yes
set edit_headers	= yes
set reverse_name	= yes
set pipe_decode	= yes

set header_cache	= "~/.cache/neomutt"
set message_cachedir	= "$header_cache"

# headers
ignore *
unignore from date subject to cc
unignore organization organisation x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailing-list:
unignore posted-to: list-id:

# threads
set sort	="threads"
set sort_aux	= "reverse-date"
#set sort_aux	= "last-date-received"
set strict_threads	="yes"
set collapse_unread	= no

# sidebar
set sidebar_visible	= yes
set sidebar_short_path	= yes
set sidebar_sort_method	= "unsorted"
set sidebar_delim_chars	= "/"
set sidebar_format	= "%D %?F?[%F]?%* %4N|%4S"
set sidebar_folder_indent	= yes
set sidebar_indent_string	= "  "

# keybinds
bind editor	<space>	noop
bind editor	"> "	quote-char
bind pager	c	imap-fetch-mail
bind index	G	last-entry
bind index	\CR	imap-fetch-mail
bind index	g	noop
bind index	gg	first-entry
bind index	-	collapse-thread
bind index	_	collapse-all
bind pager,attach	h	exit
bind attach	<return>	view-mailcap
bind attach	l	view-mailcap
bind pager	j	next-line
bind pager	k	previous-line
bind pager	l	view-attachments
bind index	D	delete-message
bind index	U	undelete-message
bind index	h	noop
bind index	l	display-message
bind browser	h	goto-parent
bind browser	l	select-entry
bind index	\CL	limit
bind pager,browser	gg	top-page
bind pager,browser	G	bottom-page
bind index,pager	R	group-reply
bind index,pager K sidebar-prev
bind index,pager J sidebar-next
bind index,pager O sidebar-open
bind index,pager,browser	d	half-down
bind index,pager,browser	u	half-up

# colors
# color	quoted	color08	default
# color	hdrdefault	color07	default
remember that computers suck.