path: root/roles/setup_syncthing/tasks/main.yml
diff options
authorbinary <me@rgoncalves.se>2020-11-08 20:56:48 +0100
committerbinary <me@rgoncalves.se>2020-11-08 20:56:48 +0100
commit0490ca78425993c4ab61ec2f8d6d428bc3843b2c (patch)
treeb2aeb8e5a8e085e5ab20c15751e60fe426d4fc7f /roles/setup_syncthing/tasks/main.yml
parente15d9acbd07c1ecb6e6c6b24f547b60f7d92ebaf (diff)
Remove deprecated roles
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/setup_syncthing/tasks/main.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/roles/setup_syncthing/tasks/main.yml b/roles/setup_syncthing/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 431f27f..0000000
--- a/roles/setup_syncthing/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# =========================================================================== #
-# __ __ __ _
-# _________ / /__ _______ ______ _____/ /_/ /_ (_)___ ____ _
-# / ___/ __ \/ / _ \ / ___/ / / / __ \/ ___/ __/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/
-# / / / /_/ / / __/ (__ ) /_/ / / / / /__/ /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ /
-# /_/ \____/_/\___(_) /____/\__, /_/ /_/\___/\__/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, /
-# /____/ /____/
-# =========================================================================== #
-- name: Add group syncthing
- group:
- name: "{{ syncthing_user }}"
- state: present
-- name: Add user syncthing
- user:
- name: "{{ syncthing_user }}"
- comment: "{{ syncthing_group }}"
- group: "{{ syncthing_group }}"
-- name: Create syncthing bin directory
- file:
- path: "{{ syncthing_bin_directory }}"
- state: directory
- owner: "{{ syncthing_user }}"
- group: "{{ syncthing_group }}"
- mode: 0755
- recurse: True
-- name: Create syncthing sync directory
- file:
- path: "{{ syncthing_files_directory }}"
- state: directory
- owner: "{{ syncthing_user }}"
- group: "{{ syncthing_group }}"
- mode: 0755
- recurse: True
-- name: Download and extract syncthing archive
- become_user: syncthing
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ syncthing_download_url }}/{{ syncthing_version }}/syncthing-{{ syncthing_os }}-{{ syncthing_architecture }}-{{ syncthing_version }}.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ syncthing_download_directory }}"
- remote_src: yes
-- name: Copy syncthing bin
- copy:
- src: "{{ syncthing_download_directory }}/syncthing-{{ syncthing_os }}-{{ syncthing_architecture }}-{{ syncthing_version }}/syncthing"
- remote_src: yes
- dest: "{{ syncthing_bin_directory }}"
- owner: "{{ syncthing_user }}"
- group: "{{ syncthing_group }}"
- mode: 0744
-- name: Copy syncthing systemd unit
- template:
- src: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}.service"
- dest: "{{ g_systemd_unit_directory }}"
- owner: root
- group: root
- mode: 0644
-- name: Start syncthing systemd unit
- systemd:
- name: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}"
- state: restarted
- daemon_reload: yes
-- name: Stop syncthing systemd unit
- systemd:
- name: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}"
- state: stopped
-- name: Config networking
- xml:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- xpath: /configuration/gui/address
- value: "{{ g_port_syncthing_gui }}"
-- name: Config clear directory path
- xml:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- xpath: "/configuration/folder/@path"
- state: present
-- name: Config directory path
- replace:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- regexp: "path=\"\""
- replace: "path=\"{{ syncthing_files_directory }}\""
-- name: Config disable relay
- xml:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- xpath: /configuration/options/relaysEnabled
- value: "{{ syncthing_b_relays }}"
-- name: Config disable global announcements
- xml:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- xpath: /configuration/options/globalAnnounceEnabled
- value: "{{ syncthing_b_global_announcements }}"
-- name: Config disable nat
- xml:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- xpath: /configuration/options/natEnabled
- value: "{{ syncthing_b_nat }}"
-- name: Config disable crash reporting
- xml:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- xpath: /configuration/options/crashReportingEnabled
- value: "{{ syncthing_b_crash_reporting }}"
-- name: Config disable browser autostart
- xml:
- path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml"
- xpath: /configuration/options/startBrowser
- value: "{{ syncthing_b_start_browser }}"
-- name: Start and enable syncthing systemd unit
- systemd:
- name: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}"
- state: restarted
- daemon_reload: yes
- enabled: yes
remember that computers suck.