path: root/roles/workstation/tasks/_archlinux.yml
blob: 06110df958a2616f474cc12a15d1b47209bc979f (plain) (tree)


# workstation ~~ roles/workstation/tasks/_archlinux.yml
# init archlinux based workstation


- name: refresh packages list
  shell: pacman -Sy
  tags: pkgs

- name: install packages
  shell: |
    pacman --noconfirm --needed -S {{ item | join(" ") }}
    - "{{ pkgs_common }}"
    - "{{ pkgs_archlinux }}"
  register: out
  tags: pkgs

- name: packages installation output
    msg: |
      {% for item in out.results %}
      - {{ item.cmd }}
      {% for type in ["stdout_lines", "stderr_lines"] if item[type] %}
      -- {{ type }}
      {% for line in item[type] %}
      --- {{ line }}
      {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
  when: out is defined

- name: check doas installation
  stat: path=/usr/bin/doas
  register: doas

- name: ensure Xorg subdirectory for configuration exists
    path: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    owner: root
    mode: 0644
    state: directory

- name: start and enable pcscd service
    name: pcscd
    state: started
    enabled: true
remember that computers suck.