

ansible roles and scripts used for rgoncalves.se’s homelab. This repository is a rewrite of the now deprecated _infrastructure/ansible.


Setup your development environment and run you first playbooks with the following commands:

$ poetry install
$ poetry shell
$ . ./bin/env
# ansible-playbook playbooks/workstation.yml -e workstation_user=$USER
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

Getting started

Poetry environment

poetry is used for managing the ansible and mitogen packages.

$ poetry install


mitogen is a really fast executor plugin for Ansible. It is not enabled by default, and that’s the reason poetry and the following script are used.

You have to source the env script if you want to execute playbooks with mitogen, preferably inside a poetry environment. It is important because mitogen upstream is currently set to master, allowing compatibility with ansible 2.12.

$ poetry shell
$ . ./bin/env

Development machine

A new development workstation can be scaffolded thanks to the workstation playbook and role.

# ansible-playbook playbooks/workstation.yml -e workstation_user=$USER
remember that computers suck.