# =========================================================================== # # __ __ __ _ # _________ / /__ _______ ______ _____/ /_/ /_ (_)___ ____ _ # / ___/ __ \/ / _ \ / ___/ / / / __ \/ ___/ __/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/ # / / / /_/ / / __/ (__ ) /_/ / / / / /__/ /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / # /_/ \____/_/\___(_) /____/\__, /_/ /_/\___/\__/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, / # /____/ /____/ # # =========================================================================== # --- - name: Add group syncthing group: name: "{{ syncthing_user }}" state: present - name: Add user syncthing user: name: "{{ syncthing_user }}" comment: "{{ syncthing_group }}" group: "{{ syncthing_group }}" - name: Create syncthing bin directory file: path: "{{ syncthing_bin_directory }}" state: directory owner: "{{ syncthing_user }}" group: "{{ syncthing_group }}" mode: 0755 recurse: True - name: Create syncthing sync directory file: path: "{{ syncthing_files_directory }}" state: directory owner: "{{ syncthing_user }}" group: "{{ syncthing_group }}" mode: 0755 recurse: True - name: Download and extract syncthing archive become_user: syncthing unarchive: src: "{{ syncthing_download_url }}/{{ syncthing_version }}/syncthing-{{ syncthing_os }}-{{ syncthing_architecture }}-{{ syncthing_version }}.tar.gz" dest: "{{ syncthing_download_directory }}" remote_src: yes - name: Copy syncthing bin copy: src: "{{ syncthing_download_directory }}/syncthing-{{ syncthing_os }}-{{ syncthing_architecture }}-{{ syncthing_version }}/syncthing" remote_src: yes dest: "{{ syncthing_bin_directory }}" owner: "{{ syncthing_user }}" group: "{{ syncthing_group }}" mode: 0744 - name: Copy syncthing systemd unit template: src: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}.service" dest: "{{ g_systemd_unit_directory }}" owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: Start syncthing systemd unit systemd: name: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}" state: restarted daemon_reload: yes - name: Stop syncthing systemd unit systemd: name: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}" state: stopped - name: Config networking xml: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/gui/address value: "{{ g_port_syncthing_gui }}" - name: Config clear directory path xml: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" xpath: "/configuration/folder/@path" state: present - name: Config directory path replace: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" regexp: "path=\"\"" replace: "path=\"{{ syncthing_files_directory }}\"" - name: Config disable relay xml: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/options/relaysEnabled value: "{{ syncthing_b_relays }}" - name: Config disable global announcements xml: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/options/globalAnnounceEnabled value: "{{ syncthing_b_global_announcements }}" - name: Config disable nat xml: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/options/natEnabled value: "{{ syncthing_b_nat }}" - name: Config disable crash reporting xml: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/options/crashReportingEnabled value: "{{ syncthing_b_crash_reporting }}" - name: Config disable browser autostart xml: path: "{{ syncthing_config_directory }}/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/options/startBrowser value: "{{ syncthing_b_start_browser }}" - name: Start and enable syncthing systemd unit systemd: name: "{{ syncthing_daemon_unit }}" state: restarted daemon_reload: yes enabled: yes