cip_paris_clientpython library - fetch and compare upcoming movie sessions in Paris6 monthssummarylogtree
dotsconfiguration files and posix scripts - archlinux and openbsd workstations6 monthssummarylogtree
dwmdwm fork - fullscreen, suckless status bar and sensibles keybindings3 weekssummarylogtree
invoiceginvoice generator - from yaml to html4 monthssummarylogtree
paperworkpaperwork - invoices and timesheets generation to pdf7 weekssummarylogtree
pydanclickpython library - generate click options from pydantic models6 monthssummarylogtree
stst fork - delete keys and terminus font6 monthssummarylogtree
infrastructuredeprecated - ansible roles for infrastructure3 yearssummarylogtree
scriptsdeprecated - misc. scripts and old ipmi experiments3 yearssummarylogtree
websitedeprecated - static website generated with zola3 yearssummarylogtree
projecteulerprojecteuleur solutions - functional programming and elixir3 yearssummarylogtree
portsopenbsd ports - not yet in -currentsummarylogtree
rgoncalves.sewebsite - sources for https://rgoncalves.se5 monthssummarylogtree
rulesansible roles - for infrastructure12 dayssummarylogtree
sousleciel.lolwebsite - sources for https://sousleciel.lol6 monthssummarylogtree
ssgstatic site generator - generate html and rss feed for https://rgoncalves.se6 monthssummarylogtree
remember that computers suck.